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1.4 Home, hotel or office visits

Always check the address in advance. Clarify your service, taboos and price in advance.

If possible, call before you set off on the landline in the hotel room, office or in the customer's apartment. If you only have one customer cell phone number, you run the risk of sitting on a fake customer who orders you somewhere.

Alternatively, if he does not have a landline (a landline connection is usually included in the overall package of a private internet connection) and he reports on a newspaper advertisement, i.e. he has no internet access, he can / should give you the name of a neighbor in the same house and you can provide this information check immediately afterwards.

Some escorts can even have a copy of their ID card sent to them in advance (front and back with address). Fake customers who make appointments but do not show up are a plague and it is a good idea to protect yourself from them in the best possible way.

There are now many escorts who can generally be given a down payment, as this reduces the fake risk enormously.

Never go into a room with more than one man. The doors should never be locked. Check a hotel room, office or apartment shortly after entry so that no third party is there. Only then should you inform your cover person (see chapter 2.3.2 Cover). Never turn your back on customers and be careful not to drink open drinks (risk of KO drops). Check the room for secret cameras. (See chapter secret filming)

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